Nakhla Two Apples & Double Apple Hookah Flavor Review
Nakhla Two Apples is one of the most iconic hookah tobacco flavors across the globe. Nakhla began in Egypt back in 1913, and was the industry leader and really only major intercontinental brand name for shisha tobacco for decades. Though changes in flavor options and packaging have evolved over the years, the flavor and quality never failed to deliver on its generations old promise to deliver a traditional hookah experience. This classic combination of apple flavor with semi-sweet anise is a staple of hookah establishments from Cairo to California.
Nakhla Double Apple Shisha Review
Nakhla Double Apple, or Two Apples as it says on the box is a concrete staple in the Hookah world today. Not only has it been around forever, it has stood the test of time and continues to be a favorite world wide. In recent years it has changed slightly, mostly in the look of the shisha itself. It is still dyed red, but not quite as bright as in years past. They also have changed the cut to be a bit more fine as opposed to the extremely choppy cut of old, I really dig the new stuff myself. Contrary to the name, Nakhla Two Apples is not really an "Apple" Flavor so to speak. You will get nice bright sweet apple notes, but the overarching tones are going to be a steady anise. If you aren't sure what anise is, think black licorice. Personally I get almost a bit of a floral vibe to it even. Unlike some other Double Apple flavors available, the Anise is not as overpowering. This gives you a nice well balanced Two Apples experience.
How to Load Nakhla Two Apples
There are many ways to load or pack Nakhla Two Apples. Some like to just fluff pack it into a standard Egyptian Clay bowl which works great. Personally, I like to use a Phunnel, or Funnel bowl whenever I smoke Hookah, and Double Apple is no different. I also really believe in having a dedicated set up for your Double Apple as it is such a strong and distinct flavor, it'll ghost your set up pretty quickly. Having said that, I recommend using an unglazed bowl for your Two Apples, my personal go to is the Shika Sandstorm Phunnel Bowl I like it because overtime, you will cook that rich double apple flavor, and each session becomes better than the last. I basically just use my Shisha Fork to cram the Two Apples all around the funnel, slightly over the rim. Toss 2 layers of foil on there, 3 CocoBrico Cube coals, and Double Apple perfection!
Whatever your preference for loading your Double Apple, you are going to want to make sure to have this on hand at your lounge or store. You can check out all the sizes of Nakhla tobacco in our wholesale shisha category.