The Kaloud Lotus Hookah HMD - Which hookah bowls work best?

The Kaloud Lotus Hookah HMD - Which hookah bowls work best?

The Kaloud Lotus is one of our favorite upgrades in the hookah world, but you want to make sure your bowl is compatible. Here is a guide to help make sure you get the right fit

The Kaloud Lotus Heat Management System is great for extending a hookah sessionreducing hookah coals used, and providing a more flavorful smoke. However, in order to achieve these fantastic benefits, it's essential that you order the correct hookah bowl. The Kaloud Lotus measure just under 3in in diameter, or about 7.5cm. You can measure your bowl diameter, or take a look at this quick guide.

Kaloud Lotus HMD

Kaloud Lotus Plus Hookah Heat Management System Kaloud Lotus Plus Hookah Heat Management System

The Best

  • Kaloud Vitria Bowl 2.0 Made specifically for the Lotus, the Kaloud Vitria Bowl is the perfect match for your lotus. One of the easiest bowls to use, this will give you a perfect session every time. These bowls also come with a variety of inserts that hold the shisha within the silicone bowl outer shell.  The aluminium Kaloud Vitria Bowls have 5 metallic finishes to choose from.

Kaloud Samsaris Bowl Vitria 2.0



The Good

  • The HJ Ferris Bowls are the go to choice for high end, hand-made bowls for the hookah enthusiasts who value their hookah accoutrement as works of art and American craftsmanship. Made with a recessed ridge inside the bowl, it cradles the Kaloud Lotus perfectly and delivers the sublime session it promises.
  • The Firefly Bowl is an affordable alternative to the other bowls on this list.  For only a few dollars you can enjoy a bowl perfectly designed to hold the Kaloud Lotus and it even includes a "vortex-style" center spire to hold in your shisha juices and produce more smoke and deeper flavor for a long session.
  • Pharaohs Flow Bowls are a passable imitation of the Kaloud lotus concept, though it falls short of the real deal.  It has a glass bowl top to hold the shisha and raised phunnel spire in the center that connects to a silicone neck that connects easily to most hookahs. It does work, but it's just a lot like putting Toyota parts on a Lexus.


The Bad

  • Goliath Bowl - While this extra large bowl is perfect for parties or large groups of people, the Goliath bowl is too big for the Kaloud Lotus.
  • Apple on Top Bowl - This bowl already comes with its own built-in screen and wind cover system, so there's no need to use the Lotus with it.
  • Mya Ceramic Bowl - Essentially a smaller version of the Mya Jumbo bowl, this one is deep and gives you a great smoke, but the diameter is a little too small to accommodate the Lotus. Don't risk a critical failure by using your premium Kaloud products on a $2 bowl.
  • Mod Bowl - This bowl has a fairly wide diameter but without a ridge to stabilize the bowl, it just isn't the right choice. Don't risk a critical failure by using your premium Kaloud products on a $2 clay bowl.
  • Large Egyptian Bowl- These bowls are handmade, and can vary in size, so some will comfortably fit the Lotus while others won't. Don't risk a critical failure by using your premium Kaloud products on a $2 clay bowl.