Betel Leaves with bowl of pan shisha

Paan or Pan; Why This Shisha Flavor is Always on Top

There's a reason why this is one of the top selling shisha flavors. Find out what paan is and why it's a favorite flavor to smoke...

If you're a hookah smoker or have been in the hookah business for a while, you've probably seen some sort of paan shisha flavor around. Many brands have a variation of paan, or pan, depending on the manufacturer. Afzal was the pioneer introducing paan shisha to the hookah market and features a wide variety of paan adaptations. In preparation for writing this blog we were astounded to learn all the different intricacies and differences in the paan world let alone shisha flavors. We thought we'd share a few different ways to enjoy paan and highlight the brands and versions available in shisha.

What Is Paan?

Betel leaves Betel leaves

Paan or sometimes pan,  is a preparation that consists of betel leaf filled with areca nut, slaked lime, and other ingredients such as tobacco, spices, and sweeteners. It is a traditional chewing preparation consumed in many parts of South and Southeast Asia, particularly in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Paan is often chewed after a meal as a digestive aid, or as a stimulant to produce a mild euphoria. 

Paan has a distinct taste and aroma and is considered a cultural and social tradition in many communities.  Traditional chewing preparation is the main way paan is enjoyed but there are quite a few different types that are also quite popular. From the powdered drink mix to flaming paan there are many different ways to enjoy pan, with shisha of course, being our favorite!

What to Expect from Paan Shisha

With a few different brands and types of paan shisha, you can really dial in your preference for enjoying paan in your hookah. The general flavor notes tend to stay pretty consistent with some variations depending on the version. You will usually be greeted with a nice cold inhale with some type of mint notes at the forefront. The betel leaf flavor tones are the most recognizable and give most paan shishas an effervescence and almost floral vibe rounding it all off. Of course many Paan flavors have some added sweet notes, while others tend to be more spice dominant but they will all give you a similar “paan” feel.

Where Can I Get Paan Shisha?

We've got you covered on that. While Pan Rasna is the most popular blend when it comes to shisha, there are quite a few different versions and varieties you can pick up today. Here are some of the options we have available here at Hookah Wholesalers.

Box of Afzal Pan Raas shishaBox of Afzal Pan Raas shisha

Afzal Pan Raas

Box of Afzal Special Pan shishaBox of Afzal Special Pan shisha

Afzal Special Pan

Box of Afzal Supreme Pan shishaBox of Afzal Supreme Pan shisha

Afzal Pan Masala Supreme

Box of Afzal Pan Twist shishaBox of Afzal Pan Twist shisha

Afzal Pan Twist

Box of Afzal Pan Fusion shishaBox of Afzal Pan Fusion shisha

Afzal Pan Fusion

Box of Afzal Kesar Pan shishaBox of Afzal Kesar Pan shisha

Afzal Kesar Pan

Box of Al Waha Pan Rasna shishaBox of Al Waha Pan Rasna shisha

Al Waha Pan Rasna

Box of Mazaya Pan Raas shishaBox of Mazaya Pan Raas shisha

Mazaya Pan Raas