Starbuzz Unicus with 2 Hoses! (How-To)

Starbuzz Unicus with 2 Hoses! (How-To)

How to make your Unicus a 2 hose Here's a multi-band hack that uses compatible parts to change a single hose Unicus to and 2 hose hookah...

How to make your Unicus a 2 hose!


We were working hard in the mixology lab when we made a groundbreaking discovery- you can convert your favorite Starbuzz Unicus hookah into a two hose hookah! We’re here to give you the rundown on what you’ll need and how to install your second hose port.

THE PARTS: You’ll need: 

1 Starbuzz Unicus

1 Mya Saray Hookah Hose Adapter (Silver Autoseal - Mya Hose Adapter)



Step 1: Remove the purge valve and open the purge valve. The purge valve should unscrew into 2 pieces. Save the ball inside, you will need this!

Step 2: Remove the hose port off your hookah and take it apart. This should unscrew into 2 pieces, similar to the purge valve.

Step 3: Place the ball into the hose port and screw it back together. Screw the hose port back onto the hookah.

Step 4: Attach your new Mya Saray Hose Adapter to the location where the purge valve was removed.

Step 5: You’re all done! You now have a 2 hose hookah! If you want to be able to convert your Unicus back to a 1 hose, be sure to save the purge valve we removed earlier.

Your 1 hose to 2 hose conversion procedure is now complete! Congratulations, and enjoy your new 2 hose Starbuzz Unicus!