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Charco Flare Hookah Charcoals

Availability: In stock
Grouped product items
720 pcs (15KG) Lounge Pack Cube Coals - Charco Flare
108 pcs Flat Coals - Charco Flare
1080 pcs (10KG) Lounge Pack Flat Coals - Charco Flare
112 pcs HMD Lotus Cut Coals - Charco Flare
144 pcs Cube Coals - Charco Flare
15 Boxes X 108 pcs Flat Coals - Charco Flare
15 Boxes X 112 pcs Quarter Circle Coals - Charco Flare
15 Boxes X 54 pcs Boxes XL Cube Coals - Charco Flare
15 Boxes X 72 pcs Cube Coals - Charco Flare
72 pcs Cube Coals - Charco Flare
9 Boxes X 144 pcs Cube Coals - Charco Flare
Charco Flare Coconut Charcoal Cube 1080 Piece Box
Charco Flare Coconut Charcoal Cube 12 Piece Box
Charco Flare Coconut Charcoal Quarter Circle 16 Piece Box
Charco Flare Coconut Charcoal XL Cube 54 Piece Box

Charco Flare Coals

Charco Flare is a well known brand producing coconut charcoal made with all natural materials primarily Coconut. CharcoFlare offers a variety of sizes, cuts, and quantities you'll be able to provide so many of your customers their favorites. These will require a hot plate, stove, single burner, or something of the type so make sure you've got your Coal Holders & Burners

Flat Coals

You've got options when it comes to Charco Flare charcoal. Starting with the well known flat size 25x25x17mm. Charco Flare offers a classic 108 piece box making up an entire Kilo. These are available in a case of 15 kilos, and you can even pick up the 10kg lounge pack and have your Charco Flare at the ready anytime.

Cube Coals

Looking for Cubes? CharcoFlare has you covered there too. You can pick up their 25x25x25mm in a 72pc box or just pick up an entire case of 15 kg boxes. Unique to many charcoal brands, CharcoFlare offers a 144 piece box as well, that's 2 entire Kilos!

Lotus Cut Coals

Charco Flare offers a great HMD or Lotus cut size as well. These quarter circle cuts are designed specifically for smoking with the Kaloud Lotus as well as other HMD devices. By using the rounded quarter cuts, you'll be able to customize your heat level with ease. The quarter circle size is available in a 112 piece box with an entire case containing 15 boxes.

XL Jumbo Cube Coals

Customers looking for something longer lasting than a cube charcoal? The newest release from Charco Flare offers XL Jumbo Cube Charcoal. These are the longest lasting, largest coals from CharcoFlare for all your high intensity Hookah customers. The XL Jumbo Cube Charcoal comes in a box of 54 pieces, and you can pick these up in a case of 10 as well.