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Echo Honeypot Hookahs - 1 & 2 Hose

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Grouped product items
Black Echo Honeypot 1 Hose Hookah
Black Echo Honeypot 2 Hose Hookah
Blue Echo Honeypot 1 Hose Hookah
Blue Echo Honeypot 2 Hose Hookah
Red Echo Honeypot 1 Hose Hookah
Red Echo Honeypot 2 Hose Hookah

Looking for something small and cheap to sell to those first time hookah purchasers at your shop? Do you want something even slightly different than the standard Pumpkin style hookahs? Well, the Honeypot is the option for you! These stand slightly taller than the mini Pumpkin style hookahs at 9.5 inches tall. You'll also notice that the shaft featured more of a ribbed design as opposed to the smooth metal of the pumpkin hookahs. The Echo Honeypot is available in 3 color variants.

But Wait, there's more!

The Honeypot also comes in a 2-hose version! That's right for only slightly more, you can carry both 1 and 2 hose versions in your shop. These can easily fetch more money simply because of the added 2nd hose. And you know what we love? You making more money!

Echo Honeypot Specs:


9.5 inches


Small washable Hose



Base options:

Black, Blue, Red