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Pharaohs Hookah Hose Adapters

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Black Autoseal Hose Adapter - Pharaohs
Clear Autoseal Hose Adapter - Pharaohs

Pharaohs Hookah Hose Adapters

Pharaohs hookahs can easily be modified to upgrade 1 hose models to 2, 3 or even 4 hoses. Each Pharaohs hookah is predrilled with 2 or 4 hose ports. By unscrewing the plug or purge valve, you can add the extra adapter. BAM! You now have a great multi-hose hookah at a very affordable price.

Pharaohs Hose Adapter Color Options

The threading on these hookahs is standard, but most vendors prefer matching adapters. Since the hookahs come with silver or black stems, you now have options for matching hose adapters for all Pharaohs hookahs.